
Let go & feel like I’m being gaslit

Rant incoming. My employer called me on a Wednesday at 3pm ish to tell me they’ve decided to let me go as they can no longer financially afford to keep me on. I was gutted (I’m in the process of buying a house and the timing couldn’t be worse) but admittedly I have not been truly happy at work since the summer, in part because the same manager bitched about me in a work group message (which I and others saw). Since then, I’ve struggled internally to feel as at ease given the bitchy remarks. The manager also tried to delete them, deny it happened and also went on the attack by saying a serious discussion about my future was required after I expressed hurt about the messages. I’ve had nothing but positive performance reviews and good comments from management, but the bitchy group message explicitly stated they’ve all been…

Rant incoming. My employer called me on a Wednesday at 3pm ish to tell me they’ve decided to let me go as they can no longer financially afford to keep me on. I was gutted (I’m in the process of buying a house and the timing couldn’t be worse) but admittedly I have not been truly happy at work since the summer, in part because the same manager bitched about me in a work group message (which I and others saw).

Since then, I’ve struggled internally to feel as at ease given the bitchy remarks. The manager also tried to delete them, deny it happened and also went on the attack by saying a serious discussion about my future was required after I expressed hurt about the messages.

I’ve had nothing but positive performance reviews and good comments from management, but the bitchy group message explicitly stated they’ve all been unhappy with me and my performance and find my work dire. That hurt a lot, especially as it was the first I’ve heard of it and it seemed out of character for the manager. I’ve had no written warnings, no disciplinaries.

Anyway, I was let go but have to work my notice. Since then, I’ve had multiple out of working hours messages (8/9pm) asking for work from me, constantly wanting new tasks completed asap, lots of updates, again persistently after hours. The thing is, they’ve never been this persistent for work before and make it a rule to not message after work. It’s getting all a bit much.

Plus, I’ve now had my official letter giving notice, which was another blow and cited reasoning as long-term poor performance, missing multiple deadlines and meetings (which I strongly disagree with?!?!) and lastly financial reasons. I’m devastated and it’s really knocked my confidence.

It gets worse as they still expect me to go above and beyond, and create a remit of work to last them until at least Christmas, which is way after I’ll have left. Managers are also messaging me asking why I haven’t joined the (voluntary) after works socials and expressed they want to throw me a leaving party (?!) – I’m so confused, as these things don’t match the letter. It’s as if they’re acting like I’ve resigned.

I am upset that they are being nicey-nicey and super friendly on every call or interaction, wanting to throw parties for me and seeming upset that I’m no longer joining social events (I’m preparing for my exit and would rather just leave quietly and as gracefully as I can). But, they’ve said damning things about me and my work, putting pressure on me to deliver more than my usual duties in my notice period.

I feel like I’m going insane. I’m feeling incredibly depressed, scared I’ll lose my house and generally struggling. It’s like they’re trying to squeeze me for everything but I honestly think they’ve treated me poorly. How can you ramp up the pressure for me to deliver work beyond my leaving date, but claim my work is apparently is dire, and then want to throw me parties?! Nothing matches up and it’s like they’re gaslighting me.

I’m worried they’ll give me a bad reference (I know they can only state the truth but some things, like the apparent missed deadlines and meetings, have context and aren’t as they seem. I.e. supplier issues which I’ve clearly and immediately communicated to manage expectations, missing a few daily internal line manager catch ups for medical appointments of an ongoing issue they’re aware of or for a family funeral, which I’ve notified them of way ahead of time, etc.) My mental health is at an all time low and I’m feeling like I can barely get out of bed, let alone work and search for other jobs. A fab way to cap off 2022 indeed!

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