
Let go for having depression

I was director of a care company I worked 90 hour weeks was on call 24/7 I lived and breeches the job and gave everything whilst trying to look after everyone working for me ever way I can even arguing with the owners that sick leave for mental health should be paid. I then recently got diagnosed with depression and placed on antidepressants and my doctor made me take 2 weeks off because my feelings would be unpredictable. In that 2 weeks my employer told me they didn’t want me back. I was heartbroken but it’s really got me into the Quiet quitting movement, well my doctor doesn’t want me to work just yet but when I’m back with a new job I’m quiet quitting. No one should ever be penalised for talking about their mental health ever. Also I have taken legal advice/action and settled out of court through…

I was director of a care company I worked 90 hour weeks was on call 24/7 I lived and breeches the job and gave everything whilst trying to look after everyone working for me ever way I can even arguing with the owners that sick leave for mental health should be paid. I then recently got diagnosed with depression and placed on antidepressants and my doctor made me take 2 weeks off because my feelings would be unpredictable. In that 2 weeks my employer told me they didn’t want me back. I was heartbroken but it’s really got me into the Quiet quitting movement, well my doctor doesn’t want me to work just yet but when I’m back with a new job I’m quiet quitting. No one should ever be penalised for talking about their mental health ever. Also I have taken legal advice/action and settled out of court through ACAS mediation but had to sign a clause to not discuss the terms of the agreement.

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