
Let Go Yesterday, This Will Be a Work Rant, Sorry

I was let go yesterday at a job I've been at for a little over a year (literally been there since the first month or so they opened). I've got stories I want to get off my chest. ​ First off, the owner has a grudge against me just because her favorite dislikes me, I don't know why her favorite dislikes me. I worked overtime one day trying to get them ahead enough so they could cancel the next shift. I worked 2 hours over. I asked if I needed to make anything else, I was told no, they'd do the rest. I went in and they didn't do the rest, then the 2 managers that day were in the back talking shit about me (saying I was slow, why haven't I gotten to doing a task, they were supposed to do after I left, blah blah blah). Ever since…

I was let go yesterday at a job I've been at for a little over a year (literally been there since the first month or so they opened). I've got stories I want to get off my chest.

First off, the owner has a grudge against me just because her favorite dislikes me, I don't know why her favorite dislikes me. I worked overtime one day trying to get them ahead enough so they could cancel the next shift. I worked 2 hours over. I asked if I needed to make anything else, I was told no, they'd do the rest. I went in and they didn't do the rest, then the 2 managers that day were in the back talking shit about me (saying I was slow, why haven't I gotten to doing a task, they were supposed to do after I left, blah blah blah). Ever since then, that manager (owner's favorite) had been rude to be ever since. I finally confronted her through the work communications and all she said was, “well I'm your boss and you have no respect for authority'. Or you and the owner don't have respect for me? Considering I almost never leave a shift on time because I stay to try and help out, for whatever reason you all don't appreciate it. But you're absolutely right, you are the boss, that's why the standards for you need to be set higher, and you need to uphold yourself to that standard.

Another story with the owner, is literally in my first month of working for her, something was made wrong on a day I wasn't even there. The owner comes up to me, “you made that frosting wrong on Tuesday”. I reply, “sorry I wasn't here Tuesday”, to her response, “whatever, you made it” and walking off.

Anyway onto yesterday when I was let go. I show up for my shift early (like I do everyday, but I clock in within the 10 minute range they allow). I get to work. I left about an hour early under the approval of the manager that day because they were overstaffed and I had gotten my tasks done. Upon leaving I was told, “see you tomorrow” by management, this is important for later. Flash forward about an hour or so after I left, I noticed I was kicked out of all the work communications, so I reached out to a friend of mine (she's in upper level management) about it thinking it was an error or glitch of some sort. She doesn't respond, but I get a text message (yup) afterwards from someone else in upper management basically saying I was let go for 2 reasons. One being inconsistent quality within my work and the other being I take criticism too personally. Apparently I was fired first thing that morning, so they had me work a full shift, gave me my schedule for next week, and said, “see you tomorrow” all when they knew they had already fired me and no one was going to tell me until I asked about a possible glitch/error…. Thanks.

I agree with the quality being inconsistent, though to my knowledge, we've had oven issues and a lot of humidity which affects the flour and final product (this is food service). Both of which, are out of my control, but sure, I'll take the blame… They've blamed my coworker too who worked directly with me in our station, but that's not relevant, just that they have certain people they hate I guess.

The other reason for criticism. I agree I can take criticism too personally, but when I have a bunch of managers coming up to me all day long and not one of them is kind, i get tired of it. They never ask me anything, they just assume I suck at my job. Some actual examples, “We had zest in the fridge, why'd you leave it out of the frosting?”. I know we had zest in the fridge, I used the zest in the frosting. I didn't leave it out, I used it as instructed. Watch the cameras… “Hey why don't you ask someone who actually knows what they're doing”. Excuse me? I've been here longer than you, you've never been on mixers. Ever. I can't change the climate or fix the ovens, sorry.

The past few days, the store trainer has been coming at me over communications. Publicly calling me out on those communications for stuff she literally does. Like wanting everything wiped down for the next shift. I forgot 1 tiny area, so she calls me out on it, but literally every day my coworker and I would go in and the mixers are dirty, the scales are dirty, the bins are either empty or have physical contaminants (bags) in them, etc

The managers talk shit about employees in the back and they gossip. They make it obvious. They'll whisper into each other's ears and look directly at the employee they're talking about, then keep whispering whilst staring at them. When said employee walks by, they immediately stop talking and awkwardly stare at each other.

This isn't even a business. It's a high school. Sorry for the long rant, I just had to get it off my chest. Thanks everyone.

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