
Let me tell you about my happy star restaurant

I've been working at this place for around 6-7 months now. Let me tell you about how absolutely insane this place has been. Apologies for the long text Lets start off with the general manager, NOW district manager. He's absolutely horrible at managing his employees and can't even keep the same work schedule two weeks in a row. Will make us use brown old lettuce, expired product, etc. Did not want to order us a new dustpan for a MONTH. Wouldn't order any first aid supplies. Lies about everything to make sure nobody is mad at him. Shows up late, or for 1 out of the 8 hours he's scheduled. Has said he has no time to wash himself, shows up in the same dirty uniform for what people say is months. Does not take action when complaints are made. Gives out free food for no matter what even though…

I've been working at this place for around 6-7 months now. Let me tell you about how absolutely insane this place has been. Apologies for the long text

Lets start off with the general manager, NOW district manager. He's absolutely horrible at managing his employees and can't even keep the same work schedule two weeks in a row. Will make us use brown old lettuce, expired product, etc. Did not want to order us a new dustpan for a MONTH. Wouldn't order any first aid supplies. Lies about everything to make sure nobody is mad at him. Shows up late, or for 1 out of the 8 hours he's scheduled. Has said he has no time to wash himself, shows up in the same dirty uniform for what people say is months. Does not take action when complaints are made. Gives out free food for no matter what even though we have a “no reciept and food, NO REFUNDS” sign up. The biggest hypocrite I know. He absolutely does not want to cover for anyone's shift even though im sure thats a main part of the job of a general manager.

Next up is a little about the employees, We have someone who I would call a “NPC” He will show up and either sit on his phone, stand at the dishwashing station and do absolutely nothing or SLEEP in the break room. The manager knows this and has done nothing nor said anything to him. He has been seen putting his hands down his pants, fingers in his nose, sneezing in his hand and not washing them. He works upfront so he touches all your food with bare hands. Its like he's always in an idle animation. He gets some of the most hours too. He's been confronted and does nothing.

Next employee, A recent addition to the “family” My manager decided to rehire someone who has quit three times in a single year. Shes been gone for one year I believe. As soon as the older employees heard they were absolutely furious. complained how shes horrible, has a bad attitude, micromanages to hell. They were 1000% right. I dread walking into work if shes there now and its only been day 4, I get wanting everything to be done well but I would rather
not have someone who doesn't know anything about the kitchen yell at me to make more food, stock and clean when Ive been alone in the back for hours. She's told me off for having messy hair but I have it up as best as I can (I have very layered hair and a hat, I promise you its in there) But we aren't given hairnets so theres not much I can do there.

Now onto the district managers, oh man. The people who are supposed to help us are lowkey all racist. Something wrong happened? Oh it was the Mexicans one workings fault of course. Everyone says they've complained about the manager, employees, the condition of the store. It's always been ignored or covered up. I don't get how some of the other stores in the area are even open. I worked at one and the entire kitchen was coated in three layers of dried sauces, BLACK fryer oil, and a dark yellow broiler. I had to leave early I couldn't do it even after trying to clean it for a while.

Ive tried reporting the store multiple times but I believe all my reports go to the district managers first and of course, get ignored. I can't quit as much as I want to, it pays decently and it's convenient. I don't know what I can possibly do for this place now, I hate knowing theres people getting nasty old food, or food with the front employees nose boogers.

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