
Let them go…

So TX Republicans want to succeed. Let them. And let them take all their anti women, anti gay, anti color, anti everyone who isn’t rich, white, and male friends with them. Grant them some land and erect a big effing border wall To keep the crazies out. The rest of us can stay and try and figure this out. John Cornyn is on twitter publicly and proudly advocating for resegregation. They aren’t even pretending not to wear white hoods anymore. Alternatively, Canada could maybe annex parts of the country and we can become Canadian? I already Think living in IL is too damn cold but I will become a Minnesotan to save my rights. On a side note, did anyone else take note that when Thomas was listing out all the precedents SCOTUS plans to overturn that Loving v. Virginia was conspicuously absent??? Should be grouped right in there with…

So TX Republicans want to succeed. Let them. And let them take all their anti women, anti gay, anti color, anti everyone who isn’t rich, white, and male friends with them. Grant them some land and erect a big effing border wall To keep the crazies out. The rest of us can stay and try and figure this out. John Cornyn is on twitter publicly and proudly advocating for resegregation. They aren’t even pretending not to wear white hoods anymore.

Alternatively, Canada could maybe annex parts of the country and we can become Canadian? I already Think living in IL is too damn cold but I will become a Minnesotan to save my rights.

On a side note, did anyone else take note that when Thomas was listing out all the precedents SCOTUS plans to overturn that Loving v. Virginia was conspicuously absent??? Should be grouped right in there with the rest of their evil intentions. I wonder why it wasn’t…..hmmmmm. Suspish.

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