
Let’s be grateful for all of the horrible bosses out there.

I honestly believe sometimes you need to experience an absolute nightmare to shock you out of complacency. I suffered for years with a bad boss who eventually sold the business to an even worse person. This person was so bad I started to work on my own out of fear they'd ruin the business into the ground and one day I'd wake up without an income. Then it got even worse. My boss hired a manager who is one of the most incompetent yet egotistical people I've ever met. Dude is a straight up caricature of a bad boss. He ended up firing me because my business was bringing in enough money that I was less and less afraid of losing my job. Firing me has emboldened him into being an even bigger ass. Now multiple of my coworkers are telling me they are planning thier own exit. This business…

I honestly believe sometimes you need to experience an absolute nightmare to shock you out of complacency. I suffered for years with a bad boss who eventually sold the business to an even worse person. This person was so bad I started to work on my own out of fear they'd ruin the business into the ground and one day I'd wake up without an income.

Then it got even worse. My boss hired a manager who is one of the most incompetent yet egotistical people I've ever met. Dude is a straight up caricature of a bad boss. He ended up firing me because my business was bringing in enough money that I was less and less afraid of losing my job.

Firing me has emboldened him into being an even bigger ass. Now multiple of my coworkers are telling me they are planning thier own exit.

This business has limped along for over a decade with bad management. But the management was just good enough to keep people from quitting. The new owner and her new manager are SO bad that people who were afraid to leave are so disgruntled that they are making moves to leave.

Thank you bad boss. Had you only been half as bad as you are I'd still be suffering and they'd still be afraid to leave. It honestly reminds me of something I saw someone say on here. The biggest problem with the new deal was that it kept the system from collapsing so that people wouldn't rise up en masse.

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