
Let’s outcompete

What a large following the left has. 1.9 million already only on this subreddit with many more leftist subreddits almost as big. When are we going to organize around a good initiative? Let me elaborate. Electric cars, recycled bottles & vegan burgers are the most effective and efficient response of the current entities to our demand for change. If we are not happy about their production response, that is a gap in the free market to jump into ourselves. Correspondingly, opposing Capitalism is mentioned in this subreddit. Capitalism is just the system that we observe that is based on processes and tools, which are again based on our behaviour. If you want to change the system, you have to do something about those underlying forces. It is the same when you want to stop e.g. an addiction. I believe it is much easier than we think, having experienced the effectiveness…

What a large following the left has. 1.9 million already only on this subreddit with many more leftist subreddits almost as big. When are we going to organize around a good initiative? Let me elaborate.

Electric cars, recycled bottles & vegan burgers are the most effective and efficient response of the current entities to our demand for change. If we are not happy about their production response, that is a gap in the free market to jump into ourselves.

Correspondingly, opposing Capitalism is mentioned in this subreddit. Capitalism is just the system that we observe that is based on processes and tools, which are again based on our behaviour. If you want to change the system, you have to do something about those underlying forces. It is the same when you want to stop e.g. an addiction.

I believe it is much easier than we think, having experienced the effectiveness and efficiency of big firms. I am sure that we can outcompete them, but based on our behaviour chose not to organize around an initiative. We much more like to organize around concepts and argue them endlessly. Whenever one of us tries to get us organized around an initiative, the initiative is never good enough for us, because it will have some gaps. If it didn't, if that person could so clearly see the future that he or she designs an initiative without gaps, that would be something. Can I have that person to manage my wealth?

Hence, the status quo remains or even worse things deteriorate.

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