
let’s talk about China. I’m a communist, but i am not a statist.

I'm a communist. I'm also a libertarian. To the people who think the two are mutually exclusive, I'd say you don't understand what either of those words mean. I'm a communist because I've seen to many people subjugated by the power of capital. I'm a libertarian because I've seen plenty of people silenced for daring to speak out against their state. (If it wasn't clear, “silenced”is a euphemism for murder). So let's talk about China.  As I said in the first paragraph, I'm a communist…but I'm also a libertarian. Specifically for the reason that tiananmen square fucking happened. We all saw it, and none of us can deny it. It is a Google search away, and that's it. I have spent thousands of hours and thousands of words defending China because they're communist… Taiwan is awful, and absolutely a centerpiece in human trafficking (I believe they're ranked as 21/200 in…

I'm a communist. I'm also a libertarian. To the people who think the two are mutually exclusive, I'd say you don't understand what either of those words mean. I'm a communist because I've seen to many people subjugated by the power of capital. I'm a libertarian because I've seen plenty of people silenced for daring to speak out against their state. (If it wasn't clear, “silenced”is a euphemism for murder).

So let's talk about China. 

As I said in the first paragraph, I'm a communist…but I'm also a libertarian. Specifically for the reason that tiananmen square fucking happened. We all saw it, and none of us can deny it. It is a Google search away, and that's it. I have spent thousands of hours and thousands of words defending China because they're communist…

Taiwan is awful, and absolutely a centerpiece in human trafficking (I believe they're ranked as 21/200 in the global rankings for would activity)…but China isn't better. Taiwan is awful, but so is China.

Idk, I can't say it any way better than this: the words I used to defend China are all true, but so are all the attacks I slung at then. I defended them because they're communist, and I stand by that, but I attack them because they aren't libertarian. I stand by that too, and I will continue attacking them.

Tiananmen square happened. I will never stop shilling for communists, but Tiananmen square fucking happened, and that's why I'm also a libertarian.

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