
Let’s test the Free Market: A strike to end this cruel experiment called Capitalism

These United States are on the verge of collapse because the haves are demanding more than the have nots will ever have. We’ve all seen the cracks, while the collective light above us flashes briefly but randomly showing the writing on the wall. The pandemic was an example of that. Our collective communication terrifies then because we have realized that if we start to look for the cord, we can pull back the curtain. It’s going to take the strength of Everyone to pull it back. To show the truth that those who are paid the least, produce the most for this country and this economy. And those that “earn” the most in this country are just the best are stealing and lying, keeping the fruits of the have nots labor to themselves. I’m tired of corporation’s receiving trillions while the have nots and their children go to sleep hungry,…

These United States are on the verge of collapse because the haves are demanding more than the have nots will ever have. We’ve all seen the cracks, while the collective light above us flashes briefly but randomly showing the writing on the wall. The pandemic was an example of that. Our collective communication terrifies then because we have realized that if we start to look for the cord, we can pull back the curtain.

It’s going to take the strength of Everyone to pull it back. To show the truth that those who are paid the least, produce the most for this country and this economy. And those that “earn” the most in this country are just the best are stealing and lying, keeping the fruits of the have nots labor to themselves.

I’m tired of corporation’s receiving trillions while the have nots and their children go to sleep hungry, forced to work jobs they hate under the threat of homelessness and starvation, and the implicit threat of violence being done to them if they don’t contribute to an all consuming system that seeks to farm them. That they work for money that they haves possess the power to create for themselves, but the have nots must create though working.

They used to own us like cattle two centuries ago. They would do it again if they had the opportunity. “No they wouldn’t .” No? Then why is the 13th amendment still apart of the constitution? Why are they systematically eroding our individual rights?

Would they work children to the bone for cheaper wages if they had the opportunity? “God no., that would be cruel.” Okay, then why are there child labor laws, barring children to be subjected to the dangers of heavy machinery, toxic chemicals, and fucking coal mines. Cruelty has never stopped companies for expanding the profit margins.

We produce the most in this system and are compensated the least. If they don’t need our work and our production, then they can prove it.

I will strike by doing nothing at all. Enjoying my existence while not serving the meaningless whim of my employer sounds like a good time to me. Not working isn’t a crime. And if they make it one, then by my dead fucking corpse then so be it because they’re going to have to kill me in order to force me to work.

Dear reader,

I ask only for your help. To accomplish both the hardest and the easiest thing in existence. To do nothing at all. Starting August 4th, don’t go to work, don’t go to the gym, don’t go anywhere. Enjoy your home and the world around you. Walk through the park. Read a book. Catch up on sleep. Fuck your spouse or partner. Protest peacefully. Enjoy your time, because you own it, not them.

Do anything and everything but contribute to this system that does you to harm.

Watch as the lack of our labor collapses this economy in just days, but that’s only if we all take part. They can only keep us in chains, but only if we choose to wear them. (Your work shirts have collars for a reason.)

“But what about the consequences?”

They can’t fire all of us. They can’t evict all of us. They can’t punish all of us. They can’t repossess all of our cars.

Where would they put them? Who would fill the now empty apartments? (Most of New York City’s apartments are already empty, and that city is on the verge of collapsing.)

Lastly, the Free market can pay us what we are rightfully worth, or the Free Market has the right to fail. It will cost the have nots nothing, and the haves everything.

A human being chooses, but a slave obeys.

God I hope this works.

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