
Letting coworkers know when I’m about to leave?

I just started a new job, I haven't been here long and it already seems like my lack of informing my employees that I'm leaving is going to be a problem I guess. What is technically my boss said to me before I left today that it's “common courtesy to let us know that you're leaving”. I responded with well I assume because I'm 11:00 to 7:00 that I wouldn't have to do that because I'm leaving at 7:00 (sometimes I leave later so that I don't have to wait on the bus stop as long) and she said it's still common courtesy to let us know you're leaving. I've said good night to them when they're around as I leave…I mean I'm not going to search the building after close to let them know…should I? Am I a bad employee for this? I'm confused as no one on any…

I just started a new job, I haven't been here long and it already seems like my lack of informing my employees that I'm leaving is going to be a problem I guess. What is technically my boss said to me before I left today that it's “common courtesy to let us know that you're leaving”. I responded with well I assume because I'm 11:00 to 7:00 that I wouldn't have to do that because I'm leaving at 7:00 (sometimes I leave later so that I don't have to wait on the bus stop as long) and she said it's still common courtesy to let us know you're leaving. I've said good night to them when they're around as I leave…I mean I'm not going to search the building after close to let them know…should I? Am I a bad employee for this? I'm confused as no one on any other job has said this to me.
EDIT Thank you for all the comments and help! I'm a worker contracted six months to a rec center and my hours are set at 11-7

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