
Life doesn’t stop just because of a 90 day work probation.

Just started a new job, had to ask my manager how to request a day off because my mom has an appointment I have to take her to. The first thing she said was “wow, already requesting a day off”… Responsibilities do not just magically go away? Especially when I’m working 9-5 mon-fri… It’s also my dad’s birthday in 2 weeks, I’m highly debating on calling off that day since I already requested a day off in July. I’m not doing any actual work yet, I’ve just been sitting in front of the computer reading and watching videos for 8 hours. She can hate me for the day, I don’t care. I’m not missing my dad’s birthday, I’m not going to allow myself to be afraid of losing this job.

Just started a new job, had to ask my manager how to request a day off because my mom has an appointment I have to take her to. The first thing she said was “wow, already requesting a day off”… Responsibilities do not just magically go away? Especially when I’m working 9-5 mon-fri… It’s also my dad’s birthday in 2 weeks, I’m highly debating on calling off that day since I already requested a day off in July. I’m not doing any actual work yet, I’ve just been sitting in front of the computer reading and watching videos for 8 hours. She can hate me for the day, I don’t care. I’m not missing my dad’s birthday, I’m not going to allow myself to be afraid of losing this job.

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