
Like come on

I know this is probably the most miniscule of nitpicks on this subreddit, but I was looking at my paycheck and found out that for the 1 hour of overtime I did for that week was cancelled out by them taking away 1 hour the next week so it all equals out to 80 hours instead of 81. I dont know if im in just a bad mood or something but that kinda bothers me. I didnt have to leave 1 hour early and I didnt arrive 1 hour late so what was the reason?

I know this is probably the most miniscule of nitpicks on this subreddit, but I was looking at my paycheck and found out that for the 1 hour of overtime I did for that week was cancelled out by them taking away 1 hour the next week so it all equals out to 80 hours instead of 81. I dont know if im in just a bad mood or something but that kinda bothers me. I didnt have to leave 1 hour early and I didnt arrive 1 hour late so what was the reason?

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