
Like everyone else, I just can’t do it. I need advice

I'm not lazy. I don't even know if saying that is required in a sub like this, but I enjoy being busy and doing things and (if you can call it work) I enjoy working on my own personal projects and stuff and would happily earn my keep that way if I could. But I've thus far failed for nearly 15 years at doing this, so I can't see how things are magically gonna change since it's objectively more difficult these days. I just can't do it. I am a happy person, generally. My moods are almost never low but the only times I ever wanna take a long walk off a short pier is when it comes to work. It's literally draining my will to live. I just don't know what to do. I have zero family, zero support network, zero credit. I can't drive. I'm stumped. I'm fairly…

I'm not lazy. I don't even know if saying that is required in a sub like this, but I enjoy being busy and doing things and (if you can call it work) I enjoy working on my own personal projects and stuff and would happily earn my keep that way if I could.

But I've thus far failed for nearly 15 years at doing this, so I can't see how things are magically gonna change since it's objectively more difficult these days.

I just can't do it. I am a happy person, generally. My moods are almost never low but the only times I ever wanna take a long walk off a short pier is when it comes to work. It's literally draining my will to live.

I just don't know what to do. I have zero family, zero support network, zero credit. I can't drive. I'm stumped.

I'm fairly new here, but did anyone here actually get out of work and stay that way?

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