
Like my company, not my pay

I'm at a pretty depressing impasse. I like the security company I currently work for. Never had any issues & all the supervisors I've had have been great folk. Problem is I feel like I need to get myself a higher wage, and frankly I'm tired of this contract after being here for 3 years under two different companies. This contract in-particular has always had just a depressing vibe & drains everything out of you, despite how easy the job is (we've had 5 supervisor swaps since this company took over the contract), and though I'm paid pretty decent for how little I do I really need to start making more. The other contracts in the area aren't much better, and as easily as I could get on with another company I'm worried about making the switch to one that could potentially be malicious towards its workers. Having a company…

I'm at a pretty depressing impasse. I like the security company I currently work for. Never had any issues & all the supervisors I've had have been great folk. Problem is I feel like I need to get myself a higher wage, and frankly I'm tired of this contract after being here for 3 years under two different companies.

This contract in-particular has always had just a depressing vibe & drains everything out of you, despite how easy the job is (we've had 5 supervisor swaps since this company took over the contract), and though I'm paid pretty decent for how little I do I really need to start making more.

The other contracts in the area aren't much better, and as easily as I could get on with another company I'm worried about making the switch to one that could potentially be malicious towards its workers. Having a company you're comfortable to work for feels like a rarity, so frankly I just don't know what to do.

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