
Local Business Owners also Jackasses

I applied to a craiglist ad to an escape room as an assistant to set up the games and run them. Seemed easy enough, they were asking 20 hours a week and explicitly said the hours can be during the day. I ended up getting the phone call and had a good interview up until the scheduling came up. I told the manager that I had no availability after 6pm but that was okay because they were open 9am-11pm so my availability fit perfectly. I even added that I was available for holidays. These guys are open 365 days a year and I gave them a seven day a week 9 hour a day availability. The manager immediately got defensive and told me I was inflexible and a bad fit for the role. I reminded him that his advertisement said that hours could be during the day and there was…

I applied to a craiglist ad to an escape room as an assistant to set up the games and run them. Seemed easy enough, they were asking 20 hours a week and explicitly said the hours can be during the day.

I ended up getting the phone call and had a good interview up until the scheduling came up. I told the manager that I had no availability after 6pm but that was okay because they were open 9am-11pm so my availability fit perfectly. I even added that I was available for holidays. These guys are open 365 days a year and I gave them a seven day a week 9 hour a day availability.

The manager immediately got defensive and told me I was inflexible and a bad fit for the role. I reminded him that his advertisement said that hours could be during the day and there was no night time requirement listed. He called me inflexible again and I told him he was insulting me. He hung up the phone there and then.

This is the attitude these so called job creators have. If you have any boundaries at all these guys don't want you.

Honestly there were just so many red flags too. the 365 day policy with no set scheduling for the employees, the bad attitude on pushback, and although it's not related to me, this guy has his workers doing sound/video design in that place definitely below market rate.

All this to say small business owners are just as sick and twisted as corporations.

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