
LOL my employer is practically begging to keep me, they can respectfully, SUCK MY ASS!

Told my manager and HR that I was not getting paid average salary for my role. I showed data from reputable sources but apparently the software that HR uses shows that I’m getting paid what I’m worth. I was getting $6k below the average pay. Cool cool cccool cool (Jake Peralta voice lol). Months pass. Inflation was +8.5% and my naive ass thought my next raise I would be getting at least that much. Maybe 6% bump at the lowest. Motherfuck they gave me 3.3% raise. Pretty much an extra $40 per check. A couple months go by and I’m killing it at my job. I start to do doordash on the weekends to make ends meet and I causally brought it up as a joke a couple times with my coworkers and manager. Fast forward to last month. I get an offer to intern/join a big company. I’m interning…

Told my manager and HR that I was not getting paid average salary for my role. I showed data from reputable sources but apparently the software that HR uses shows that I’m getting paid what I’m worth. I was getting $6k below the average pay. Cool cool cccool cool (Jake Peralta voice lol).

Months pass. Inflation was +8.5% and my naive ass thought my next raise I would be getting at least that much. Maybe 6% bump at the lowest. Motherfuck they gave me 3.3% raise. Pretty much an extra $40 per check. A couple months go by and I’m killing it at my job. I start to do doordash on the weekends to make ends meet and I causally brought it up as a joke a couple times with my coworkers and manager.

Fast forward to last month. I get an offer to intern/join a big company. I’m interning because I’m switching careers since I recently graduated and my current job wasn’t as exciting as I thought it’d be. Anyway this internship is already paying $12k MORE than my current job.

My Manager and his bosses’ boss meet with me offering me $10k more and a title bump. LOL. It’s hilarious but also infuriating. This job is specialized and for them to replace me it would take them
3-6months to train a new person. I said thank you but I’ve made up my decision.

Hours pass and they get back to me saying they will pay me $13k ($1k more than the internship which isn’t jack since I will be getting paid even more in that new industry once the internship is complete). They even said I can work part time whenever I wanted!!! literally suck my ass this is what y’all get.

I’m usually a humble person but seeing them scramble and do all this really is stroking my ego lol

Anyway hopefully I can switch industries and make enough to retire early, that’s the real goal.

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