
LONG: Quit Abruptly After Boss Humilated Me [17M]

So, I worked at this job back during December of 2019-March of 2020 back when COVID was kicking off, and I was 15. A guardian made me resign during this time due to a family member passing away and fear of me getting it. By the way, this is important to mention; this was an independently owned pharmacy. There was also more staff during this time. Cut to November 2021 to the end of February 2022. I returned to work at this pharmacy, now 17. Still COVID found out that three staff members other than myself, and two part time workers, left the pharmacy. Now it was just this guy who we'll call Randy, another Joel, and another Lenny. All very cool dudes. In this job, Randy and Lenny and I were all expected to stop what we were doing at any given moment. We all worked in the back…

So, I worked at this job back during December of 2019-March of 2020 back when COVID was kicking off, and I was 15. A guardian made me resign during this time due to a family member passing away and fear of me getting it.

By the way, this is important to mention; this was an independently owned pharmacy. There was also more staff during this time.

Cut to November 2021 to the end of February 2022. I returned to work at this pharmacy, now 17. Still COVID found out that three staff members other than myself, and two part time workers, left the pharmacy. Now it was just this guy who we'll call Randy, another Joel, and another Lenny. All very cool dudes.

In this job, Randy and Lenny and I were all expected to stop what we were doing at any given moment.

We all worked in the back of the pharmacy counting pills, picking up the phone that rang every 2 minutes, doing insurance claims, printing prescriptions, finding the correct medicines, ordering the correct ones, counting pills, changing NDC numbers in the system, making phone calls. A FUCK TON OF WORK.

We were also expected to help out in the front in case Joel was dealing with too many people.

Randy was the the primary technician and he had the most seniority, so he was always helping the boss, or teaching us, and literally had his name called every 2 minutes. Poor dude.

My personal job consisted of the above mentioned with the addition of filing prescriptions, sweeping, taking out trash, etc.

This boss we'll call Sam. Sam was a fucking bitch. Very short temper, refused to show you things more than once or all, asked too many personal questions and had no restraint when asking about DECEASED family members. Why do you need to know how my family member was buried? Why is this the fifth time you've asked?

He also frequently erased work we were doing at the computer and yelled at us for not having written the information when that takes time that we very clearly don't have.

The guy also made errors on the computer some times and blamed it on me. Guy also made us deliver medicines after hours to lazy ass fucking people who couldn't bother walking blocks to get it. (I don't have a fucking car.)

I am also a student who is a part of the IBDP program. Dude, I worked 23 hours a week. 3 hours after school every day and then like 8 on Saturday. I asked for Wednesdays off and felt like shit when I said no to working that day, so ended up saying yes modt of the time. So I worked 6 days a week for 3 months on top of school and 6 university level classes.

When there was a week of break I had a misunderstanding of working on Wednesday and the dude went off on me. Yelled at me about how I'm supposed to tell him, told me he did me a favor for hiring me on the spot. (BS, my much older coworkers liked the way I worked and liked to have me there. The boss said he preferred me there as well. Not to suck myself off but I worked HARD.)

The guy also told me that Lenny wanted more hours and I was annoyed at this point. He had told me to “stop giving him attitude,” and pointed his finger at me, calling me a “kid”. I told him he could give it to the other guy and he basically fired me on the spot.

Then…. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I cried on the spot. I had the worst month of my life due to work, school, and some Domestic Violence disputes. Extended family also made me feel worse.

I guess he felt bad because he retracted his statement and said that if I needed the day off I could take it.

I still went in.

I went in for about 5-6.5 hours that week and then a full 6.5 hours on Saturday. It was very awkward:/ Sunday my mom talked some sense into me and told me I shouldn't go. She went in on Monday to tear him a new asshole. He was dismissive of her. Looking back, I'm so glad I don't work there anymore.

And fuck Sam, I got a new job within 2 days.

I don't know, learn from my mistakes dudes. I have learned that you can't deal with a work life like that.

I have gotten so depressed I don't even think I'm getting my IB Diploma anymore, after two years of hard work.

For any other young person reading this, there's always another fucking job.

Feel free to ask any questions.

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