
Long Time Employer Threw Me Under the Bus

I loved working at The Candy Shop for 14 years. I worked my way up from a cashier to a candymaker/ manager, the highest position before being an owner. Thay being said, I just finished my EEOC interview for the discrimination and retaliation they put me through. The EEOC told me my case is complicated and (not their words) probably not worth pursuing because my bosses could be interpreted as 'trying to be better'. On May 26th, my boss decided to intentionally misgender me and make inappropriate comments about my physical appearance. This was after I reminded a regular customer that I was not, in fact, a woman. We had an argument where I asserted that there is no reaon a customer needs to refer to my physical appearance and that comments about my body make me uncomfortable. My boss said that was unreasonable because, “YOU DO LOOK LIKE A…

I loved working at The Candy Shop for 14 years.

I worked my way up from a cashier to a candymaker/ manager, the highest position before being an owner.

Thay being said, I just finished my EEOC interview for the discrimination and retaliation they put me through. The EEOC told me my case is complicated and (not their words) probably not worth pursuing because my bosses could be interpreted as 'trying to be better'.

On May 26th, my boss decided to intentionally misgender me and make inappropriate comments about my physical appearance. This was after I reminded a regular customer that I was not, in fact, a woman. We had an argument where I asserted that there is no reaon a customer needs to refer to my physical appearance and that comments about my body make me uncomfortable. My boss said that was unreasonable because,
Feeling unsafe at work, I left with approval of my other boss. She agreed that his behavior was unacceptable.

When I requested a discussion in writing and assurance that I wouldn't be harassed again, BOTH of my bosses scheduled a disciplinary review on a day they knew I was unavailable. They told me if I didn't show up, I was 'quitting'. This was weird, because on May 8th I HAD a performance review where they stated that they had 'no problems' with my performance other than that they wanted me there more.

Not wanting to involuntarily quit my job, I finally convinced them to go through private mediation with me. I told them I filed a case with the Equal Employment Opportunity Council. They canceled the disciplinary meeting and we had one mediation meeting. I legally can't discuss what was said but I don't feel hopeful about resolving. My bosses feel that they did nothing wrong and that I'm overreacting.

This is not the first time I've been misgendered at work by a coworker. It happens frequently and while my bosses SAY they're supportive of me, they don't take any action to improve.

My employers and friends of 14 years weaponized my identity against me and then told me I was hostile for protecting my basic human rights. I have lost thousands of dollars in income, and they are trying to prevent me from getting unemployment and saying that I quit. I have screenshots of almost everything.

I have 200 days to decide if I want to sue.

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