
Long time lurker, now I get it.

Managers are managers because they like to be in control. Their employees are pawns. My boss just fired someone last week after inventory count being wayyy off. He has been given a tighter scheduling budget, so he preyed on the weakest link. There were also other reasons she got fired which I do agree with. Now, he is expecting the staff to cover her shifts, not only that he refuses to hire another person due to having a tighter budget. My one coworker came to me the other day saying she had a really awesome job lined up at a cute Cafe, but the boss talked her into staying and now she's getting more hours than she signed up for. Not only that it is 5 days a week and like 3 – 4 hour shifts while she has a long commute to the point she would be paying to…

Managers are managers because they like to be in control. Their employees are pawns.

My boss just fired someone last week after inventory count being wayyy off. He has been given a tighter scheduling budget, so he preyed on the weakest link. There were also other reasons she got fired which I do agree with.

Now, he is expecting the staff to cover her shifts, not only that he refuses to hire another person due to having a tighter budget.

My one coworker came to me the other day saying she had a really awesome job lined up at a cute Cafe, but the boss talked her into staying and now she's getting more hours than she signed up for.

Not only that it is 5 days a week and like 3 – 4 hour shifts while she has a long commute to the point she would be paying to go to work.

I told my coworkers if our boss isn't going to hire someone else “Don't! Take any shifts” he can work them, especially if he's going to be cheap.

After having this conversation with my coworkers, I went home updated my resume, with all the experience I have which is a lot.

Now my eyes are on the job market everyday. Boss will be surprised when I do find something and hand in my two weeks, he will really be working then.

I ended up taking mushrooms that night, went out, realized what really matters. Ended up meeting a girl, and now we are going Kayaking Wednesday. Boss asked me right after setting plans to go on the date if I wanted to cover the persons shift he fired. I told him I am going on a date.

If you are not scheduled to work, schedule time for your self. If you plan to go on a hike, play videogames, get drunk, high, you have made plans.

Let the managers work. It's their job.

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