
Looking for a job? DON’T mention your kids

Sadly, you will probably be skipped over. I speak from experience on the hiring side. A while ago, when I was hiring for an admin assistant, a lot of women applied and while I was sifting through all the applications, I saw a few solid applicates and showed them to my boss. First thing that came out of his mouth was, “make sure they don't have kids”. His reasoning was he didn't want the admin saying “oh I gotta leave early to pick up little Timmy” or “little Sara is sick and I gotta take her home”. Basically, he didn't want an admin that would have to constantly leave to take care of kids. He didn't even want me to look at applications that mention motherhood, being a mother, etc. I felt so awful discriminating women because of their choice to be a mother. I was on my way out…

Sadly, you will probably be skipped over. I speak from experience on the hiring side. A while ago, when I was hiring for an admin assistant, a lot of women applied and while I was sifting through all the applications, I saw a few solid applicates and showed them to my boss. First thing that came out of his mouth was, “make sure they don't have kids”. His reasoning was he didn't want the admin saying “oh I gotta leave early to pick up little Timmy” or “little Sara is sick and I gotta take her home”. Basically, he didn't want an admin that would have to constantly leave to take care of kids. He didn't even want me to look at applications that mention motherhood, being a mother, etc. I felt so awful discriminating women because of their choice to be a mother. I was on my way out the door during that time, so I honestly didn't get to be the one to pick who got hired. She was more than likely a single woman with zero children.

If you can get away with not mentioning them during the entire interview process, might help you get hired. And I know it sounds so terrible to have to read that cuz most women are proud of their kids and love talking about them but sadly, a lot of employers do not want to consider mothers for positions in a company. Fathers on the other hand, no discrimination there…

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