
Looking for advice: My boss said he’d like to ‘get certain people in a room and just beat them senseless’?

I have a new team leader and I felt as if he was being really funny with me and bullying me so after 5 weeks I went to my general manager and to be honest my managers response was He got me and my team leader and him inside a room and nothing really happened they just said we think you're a good worker, there are no issues, please carry on, I agreed (because I need my job) shook their hands and carried on. Team leaders attitude hasn't really changed towards me honestly, maybe he pretends to be a little nice sometimes but it's not hard to analyze a persons true feelings towards you, if they're glaring at you and being rude in general both verbally and in body language amongst many other things it's just kinda obvious how someone feels about you. In the canteen today was me, one…

I have a new team leader and I felt as if he was being really funny with me and bullying me so after 5 weeks I went to my general manager and to be honest my managers response was

He got me and my team leader and him inside a room and nothing really happened they just said we think you're a good worker, there are no issues, please carry on, I agreed (because I need my job) shook their hands and carried on.

Team leaders attitude hasn't really changed towards me honestly, maybe he pretends to be a little nice sometimes but it's not hard to analyze a persons true feelings towards you, if they're glaring at you and being rude in general both verbally and in body language amongst many other things it's just kinda obvious how someone feels about you.

In the canteen today was me, one of my co-workers and my team leader.

The co-worker said something like he'd love to just get like an assault rifle go into the kitchen and just basicly shoot one of the elderly women there.

This elderly woman in question does basicly bully this co-worker to the point that he's told me in private he's ready to quit he just can't take it anymore and in his defence, I have never seen him say a bad word to her or act negatively towards her in the 5 months i've been there.

He is kinda special needs/mental health but i'm not defending him.

When he said this about shooting her it was said in jest, but honestly it wasn't exactly a joke if that makes sense.

Would he do it? Meh who knows but let me carry on and get to what the post is about.

My team leader replied to this by saying yeah i'd love to get CERTAIN people in a room and just beat them senseless no questions asked nothing they can do.

Honestly, it felt 100% implied at me, as in he would love to get ME in a room and beat me senseless.

This guys a pretty large guy, not muscle, just large, i'm pretty skinny. I feel like this context is needed.

There was also something about rape like 2 minutes after I can't remember exactly what was said cus my mind and heart were racing at what i'd just heard I was just browsing my phone thinking.

What bothers me is, if I was allowed to get my worst enemies or people who are morally bad, like pedophiles or heroin dealers, in a locked room and I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to them i'd say no thank you and i'd do nothing.

I might not like pedophiles and heroin dealers, but if I was given the option to freely beat them up with zero consequences to myself i'd say no thank you.

I don't want to beat anyone senseless, for any reason, ever, I don't care if they've done truly evil things, it's not my job to pass judgement on people and to bring justice.

I'm a civilian with a normal job.

This is the job of the police, army, government, whoever is in charge of this type of shit.

So with that said:

I came to the conclusion that a reasonable person, does not want to beat people senseless, ever, for any reason, even if they hate them.

So that tells me that my team leader is, not a reasonable person and infact maybe a closet psychopath.

Does he enjoy thinking about beating certain people up? Idk for sure, it certainly feels that way ESPECIALLY when something was said about rape a couple minutes after.

He said something about raping someone, I wasn't listening properly.

I want to go to, someone high up in the company to talk about this but I need my job for like 4 more months financially and I don't really want to get involved with police over something I genuinely have no evidence for anyway.

It will just be his word against mine.

But I am leaving the job in like 4 months so just before I leave i'm tempted to bring it up just so the company is aware however

By that point 4 months will have passed, I doubt they'll care or do anything.

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