
Lost a job to a thief and a liar.

Nowdays I(31M) have an solid and good career and even work from home. But when i had 24, i got a friend to got me a job in a language school, to work as a receptionist. But the job was way more than that. I had to answer the fone, write contracts, open the door for people coming and going, watch the children, register payments to the bank, be the IT guy, i had to sell the courses with all the BS that entail, like subscription tax. I started with a girl that would cover the morning shift while i would cover the afternoon and night shift, because, acording to the owners, i was there to close the school, because i was a male and it was less dangerous. I guess my pp makes me bulletproof, but ok. As soon as i start, i had some difficult to get in…

Nowdays I(31M) have an solid and good career and even work from home. But when i had 24, i got a friend to got me a job in a language school, to work as a receptionist. But the job was way more than that. I had to answer the fone, write contracts, open the door for people coming and going, watch the children, register payments to the bank, be the IT guy, i had to sell the courses with all the BS that entail, like subscription tax. I started with a girl that would cover the morning shift while i would cover the afternoon and night shift, because, acording to the owners, i was there to close the school, because i was a male and it was less dangerous. I guess my pp makes me bulletproof, but ok. As soon as i start, i had some difficult to get in because its a lot, and anything they can complain they do. I'm not fast enough, i'm not good in sales, truth being that when i was me and the client, i was a lot more relax, i got a really high number of sales, just by contacting people. Soon i noticed some weird things happening, first the new girl starts to make errors and put the blame on me, the owners being kinda micromanagers, get up in my face soon enough. One day the girl writes a contract wrong, i had to redo it, and after that she starts to steal my sales. In the school is that the first to offer the course or the contact makes the sale, a lot of my sales enter contact to accept the terms that i send them in her hour, and then she marked the sale as her, and even schedulle their visit in my hour of work, so basically i make the contact or the pitch, she received a call with the client saying he like the offer and wanted to start, and she would schedulle them in my hour, so i would had to present the school to them so the money would go to her. As soon as i notice that i created a google sheet and started to write up every client that i had. But in the owners head, i was just the dumb dude that was there to close the place, they had this mindset that most man are stupid, they say that to my face, some BS about women being great at multitasking, they said that multiple times, to multiple make employees. After some time the manager that made friendship with the girl, started to write me up to the owners, she even got mad when i said that i was writing my sales separated from their system, it got even worse after i found that there was money missing from the day. She started to create drama, yell at me in front of the studants or their parents. So i had four people saying how bad i did my job, despite everyone else being super nice to me and liking my organization, some children even make me an origami kunai and ninja star, i had a great relationship with the teachers and the students. I did had an issue that was my fault for being to trusting, some stupid parent was so lazy that he send his 13 year old dolar with and credit card to pay the school, i asked the girl how was the payment, but she had no idea, when i asked the type of payment she said it was full, but instead of asking, i process, the parent called nervous about the bill, so i had to cancel it, neither the owners or the manager knew how to do it, so i talked with the bank, learn the process and was able to cancel, they immediatly asked me to write down. After a time, i discovered they were interviewing someone for my job, they were going to fire me, the dumb4$$ called asking about the job, when i made clear to the owners that i knew that, they acted as if one of the teachers or my friend that warned me. I already had set everything to being let go, even left the uniforms there. The most funny part was, when they fired me, i used my records and they saw that i had more sails than the girl that started with me. I used the money to pay for my techinician course and after some months, they discovered that the manager was stealing money, she accused the girl, they fought and both had to quit. The owners never apologised. Today i'm in a great job, and laughing to this day how stupid they were.

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