
Lost my mom and my work is harassing me about the time off

Hey all. I had been recommended to post this on this subreddit by r/griefsupport. So my mom had a bad accident over 2 months ago, had to get 22 stitches down her leg, and due to blood clotting (despite taking clot busters and baby aspirin), she unexpectedly passed away a few weeks later. She was getting me through a lot and was one of my best friends. I was thankfully able to take a few weeks off for bereavement without taking FMLA with my direct supervisor’s support. However, one of my other supervisors keeps commenting during meetings about how much I’ve been out in front of all my other coworkers (which feels absolutely great, /s). It frankly takes a lot of me to hold myself back from firing back, since it’s happened more than once and it’s not as if I had any control over my mom passing and not…

Hey all. I had been recommended to post this on this subreddit by r/griefsupport.

So my mom had a bad accident over 2 months ago, had to get 22 stitches down her leg, and due to blood clotting (despite taking clot busters and baby aspirin), she unexpectedly passed away a few weeks later. She was getting me through a lot and was one of my best friends.

I was thankfully able to take a few weeks off for bereavement without taking FMLA with my direct supervisor’s support. However, one of my other supervisors keeps commenting during meetings about how much I’ve been out in front of all my other coworkers (which feels absolutely great, /s). It frankly takes a lot of me to hold myself back from firing back, since it’s happened more than once and it’s not as if I had any control over my mom passing and not having a will and testament.

Thanks for letting me vent. Feel free to let me know if you’ve got suggestions for the inevitable next time I hear that comment.

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