
Love AntiWork… but

I have bills to pay. I've been going through this “thing” the past few years. Where Its hard for me to hold a job. Something I've never had a problem with. I just keep looking at the pros and cons of a job, and the cons always add up. I'm not college educated, just high school diploma. So most of the jobs I am able to get, aren't ever going to be “worth it”. Yet because of the last few years, I've blown through my savings. And I can't exactly not work, and furthering education seems out of the possible due to my shit credit, and savings. Currently work for the Goverment (DMV). Good benefits… but, I barely make enough to get by (~35,000 $/yr in Oregon [cost of living went through the roof when the fires ravaged the area, I'm single and take care of my mom Low end…

I have bills to pay.

I've been going through this “thing” the past few years. Where Its hard for me to hold a job. Something I've never had a problem with. I just keep looking at the pros and cons of a job, and the cons always add up. I'm not college educated, just high school diploma. So most of the jobs I am able to get, aren't ever going to be “worth it”. Yet because of the last few years, I've blown through my savings. And I can't exactly not work, and furthering education seems out of the possible due to my shit credit, and savings.

Currently work for the Goverment (DMV). Good benefits… but, I barely make enough to get by (~35,000 $/yr in Oregon [cost of living went through the roof when the fires ravaged the area, I'm single and take care of my mom Low end rent, for the area, is more than half of my paycheck]).

I'm not going to go into specifics, but I essentially told a super higher up, that with all the surveys of “How can we get more hires excited to work for the DMV?!”, that Money talks. And It's the only way were going to get people in the door.

To which they essentially said “The COL raises (Cost of living, which was 2.5% this year… not even close to inflation) are coming a few months earlier this year, hope that helps. Also I hear all the time about how great our DMV employees are doing, and that the customer service in Oregon is the best, keep it up!” I don't know.. Felt ignorant.

Anyways, I've been calling in A LOT lately. I mean like 1-2 days a week. Because we are severely understaffed, and every single time I go to that place. Its actual hell on earth. Yelled at on a daily basis. And I actually give good customer service. Just gets old when a 50 something white man is yelling at me, because he doesn't have all the paperwork for his 250,000$ motor home.

I don't know. I don't want to work in THIS society, but I gotta pay my bills.

I suppose i just came here to rant.

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