
Lowes won’t let me request days off…

Currently at work and I had to go on a quick rant. For the past week I have been trying to request my birthday off from may 26-may30th. I have a trip planned to Los Angeles, I already have everything booked since janurary of this year, before I even started working here.(Lowes) So every time I have tried to request it off, it wouldn’t allow me to do it because it’s during a “blackout” period. I didn’t know what that meant I thought it meant maybe it’s too early to request those days, but we are already in April so being too early to request shouldn’t be the problem, so I asked the manager who makes the schedules and she told me that because of Memorial Day which is on MAY 30th I cannot request may 27-29 because of MEMORIAL DAY. So that is what a blackout period is…you can’t…

Currently at work and I had to go on a quick rant. For the past week I have been trying to request my birthday off from may 26-may30th. I have a trip planned to Los Angeles, I already have everything booked since janurary of this year, before I even started working here.(Lowes)

So every time I have tried to request it off, it wouldn’t allow me to do it because it’s during a “blackout” period. I didn’t know what that meant I thought it meant maybe it’s too early to request those days, but we are already in April so being too early to request shouldn’t be the problem, so I asked the manager who makes the schedules and she told me that because of Memorial Day which is on MAY 30th I cannot request may 27-29 because of MEMORIAL DAY. So that is what a blackout period is…you can’t request days off BEFORE and during a holiday. This has me so pissed off, assistant managers aren’t letting me request those days off so I’m going to have to talk to the store manager and it just has me so mad bc Memorial Day is literally just 1 day. Why can’t I get the days before Memorial Day off. I am just pissed off.

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