
Mistake at Work

Today I made a mistake. The biggest mistake I've made at this job. I don't know how the software doesn't have a way to protect from what I did and this has never happened. I hate how guilty and shameful I feel. I fucked up and will own that. I was doing so well and pushing for a raise I think I deserve. Sure, I should have been paying closer attention. I'll never do it again, but shit, why does it make me feel like I fucked up in the eyes of God? All I did was inconvenience my boss for a couple hours. Nothing is permanent, except the fact that I have to dedicate my life to a business. I have to fear for my life and home and bills if I'm not perfect.

Today I made a mistake. The biggest mistake I've made at this job. I don't know how the software doesn't have a way to protect from what I did and this has never happened. I hate how guilty and shameful I feel. I fucked up and will own that. I was doing so well and pushing for a raise I think I deserve. Sure, I should have been paying closer attention. I'll never do it again, but shit, why does it make me feel like I fucked up in the eyes of God? All I did was inconvenience my boss for a couple hours. Nothing is permanent, except the fact that I have to dedicate my life to a business. I have to fear for my life and home and bills if I'm not perfect.

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