
LPT: For people who work for company that still does covid pay.

LPT: If they ask you when you first had symptoms always give the latest date possible as they will calculate your sick days starting from that day. And make sure your covid test matches the date too. Eg. If your symptom started Wednesday but you still worked Thursday and Friday, say your symptom started Saturday. This way you'll get the whole week off. But if you say Wednesday you'll only get Monday off as Thursday, Friday, and the weekend are counted for the 5 days.

LPT: If they ask you when you first had symptoms always give the latest date possible as they will calculate your sick days starting from that day. And make sure your covid test matches the date too.

Eg. If your symptom started Wednesday but you still worked Thursday and Friday, say your symptom started Saturday. This way you'll get the whole week off. But if you say Wednesday you'll only get Monday off as Thursday, Friday, and the weekend are counted for the 5 days.

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