
Lunch & Learn is a scam.

Companies give you a lunch break for a few minutes (only because they have to) 30mins to an hour if you’re that lucky. They then turn around and say “hey! , we’re gonna be hosting a session with an outsider who is gonna do a presentation on something work related and you have to be there . You’ll get some food too maybe .” This to me seems like blatant hijacking of the time given to employees for lunch and eliminates the “freedom” the worker has to decide what to do with their lunch break. They seem to want to take every bit of your personal time for their own gain and hide it behind “this will benefit you and your career so we won’t be paying you ”. Am i the only one who feels this way?

Companies give you a lunch break for a few minutes (only because they have to) 30mins to an hour if you’re that lucky.

They then turn around and say “hey! , we’re gonna be hosting a session with an outsider who is gonna do a presentation on something work related and you have to be there . You’ll get some food too maybe .”

This to me seems like blatant hijacking of the time given to employees for lunch and eliminates the “freedom” the worker has to decide what to do with their lunch break.

They seem to want to take every bit of your personal time for their own gain and hide it behind “this will benefit you and your career so we won’t be paying you ”.

Am i the only one who feels this way?

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