
Lying to my face made it worse

In the last year working for this family owned company I managed a whole department of my own from the get go, started training their cashiers 4 months in, helped test and transition into a new P.O.S system in July. For the last 2 months I have been pulled away from my department daily to assist our cashier when they're having problems, and with the new P.O.S being implemented I've been a back up to our higher ups who are struggling with the new layout. Last week I asked for a raise as I was doing 3 jobs at once and its been pulling me apart. I was told by the owner's child that they rely on me a lot lately to keep things smooth sailing during this transition, and they had advicated for me to be promoted or properly compensated. When I spoke to the Store Manager, they had…

In the last year working for this family owned company I managed a whole department of my own from the get go, started training their cashiers 4 months in, helped test and transition into a new P.O.S system in July.

For the last 2 months I have been pulled away from my department daily to assist our cashier when they're having problems, and with the new P.O.S being implemented I've been a back up to our higher ups who are struggling with the new layout.

Last week I asked for a raise as I was doing 3 jobs at once and its been pulling me apart. I was told by the owner's child that they rely on me a lot lately to keep things smooth sailing during this transition, and they had advicated for me to be promoted or properly compensated.

When I spoke to the Store Manager, they had nothing but good to say about how I train cashiers, how I'm willing to step up, and how they were going to work out getting me assistance in my department because I couldn't be doing everything I have been while managing that area without burning myself out. And that a raise and promotion was definitely an acceptable request.

I was called today, on my day off, to be notified that I was being let go. That according to my higher ups, I hadn't been doing my job properly in my department, and shouldnt be given this promotion and raise if i cant complete my job.

Even though I'm the only person in that department and have to triple check my paperwork before I send it up due to an increasing number of errors coming from our receiving office. And that I had 20 or so orders come through in a 3 day span that I've had to separate from eachother and double check against my paperwork before I can even properly receive them in. And im pulled AWAY from my job constantly to problem solve for our new P.O.S, or help cashiers, or assist in another department I know well.

I'm appalled at how two faced and ubrupt this was. And how much a shit show this puts me in for the next 2 months financially. If they couldnt afford a raise or wanted a different arrangement, they could've said so and worked something out. But to sing praises and then turn around and fire me is the most bullshit thing I've seen. I used to work for a corporation on its dying legs, even they were more honest than this small local business of no more than 30 employees.

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