
Made a joke about the executives to my coworkers that was ill received.

So my coworkers and I all work at a business that exists in an old building. The rooms we work in on the first floor and basement are not temperature controlled and throughout the summer it gets very warm, especially since we are all on our feet 98% of the day. However (shockingly) the 5th floor with all the executives and the offices is all air conditioned and comfy. Throughout the day our boss and other executives will wonder down to talk to us about business and will go “oh wow it feels great in here!“ while we are dripping with sweat. Today my coworkers were joking about the fact the executives and our boss come down and always say it feels great and I jokingly say “yeah must be real nice to peer from an ivory tower” to which all my coworker make a unanimous “oooooo” noise indicting what…

So my coworkers and I all work at a business that exists in an old building. The rooms we work in on the first floor and basement are not temperature controlled and throughout the summer it gets very warm, especially since we are all on our feet 98% of the day.

However (shockingly) the 5th floor with all the executives and the offices is all air conditioned and comfy.

Throughout the day our boss and other executives will wonder down to talk to us about business and will go “oh wow it feels great in here!“ while we are dripping with sweat.

Today my coworkers were joking about the fact the executives and our boss come down and always say it feels great and I jokingly say “yeah must be real nice to peer from an ivory tower” to which all my coworker make a unanimous “oooooo” noise indicting what I said was really rude or wrong and they continued with their work.

I’m having a hard time seeing how was I said was either wrong or uncalled for. I generally don’t get the resistance in American work places to acknowledge the different treatment you get based on your job title.

We all work our asses off in hot rooms only to have an executive complain that their room is too chilly and we aren’t supposed to take shots?

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