
Made redundant, but asked to train colleague in my former duties?

I hope to make this quick as I have a phone appt with my new executive director in 1.5 hours. While I’ve been out on soft pregnancy leave (unpaid even when I was on full pregnancy leave, of course) I’ve continued to do a few of the tasks specific to me that were a part of my job description previous to my leave, per my agreement with the previous director. Of course none of that was honored with the new director. I was alerted this week that my job was dissolved, they are parceling out my duties to my colleagues, they are offering me a lateral (it’s not) position that is not conducive to my childcare schedule, and they are also requiring I train a colleague on how to do my job. If my role isn’t important enough to keep around, if my only other option with this organization is…

I hope to make this quick as I have a phone appt with my new executive director in 1.5 hours. While I’ve been out on soft pregnancy leave (unpaid even when I was on full pregnancy leave, of course) I’ve continued to do a few of the tasks specific to me that were a part of my job description previous to my leave, per my agreement with the previous director. Of course none of that was honored with the new director. I was alerted this week that my job was dissolved, they are parceling out my duties to my colleagues, they are offering me a lateral (it’s not) position that is not conducive to my childcare schedule, and they are also requiring I train a colleague on how to do my job. If my role isn’t important enough to keep around, if my only other option with this organization is something that doesn’t work for me, why would I need to train someone how to do it? And what in the world do they think my motivation would be? The training is not in my contract, btw.

Edit: all this ^ to ask: I can just straight up say no, right?

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