
making our voices heard this 4th of July

We need to cancel all our 4th of July celebrations to protest our rights being stripped from us. If you are going out cancel your plans, if you are going to the beach stay home. Don't buy stuff you don't need this weekend. You might think oh that won't change anything. But the economy runs on constant mass consumption and holidays drive a large percent of that consumption. We all know that part of anti-abortion sentiment is the idea that the USA needs a constant supply of workers and consumers. So let's disrupt the cycle. I know a lot of us have discussed strikes and walkouts to protest SCOTUS repeal of Roe and I love the idea but I completely understand that most people will not be in a position to walkout of their job. But, there are other effective ways to disrupt the economy.

We need to cancel all our 4th of July celebrations to protest our rights being stripped from us. If you are going out cancel your plans, if you are going to the beach stay home. Don't buy stuff you don't need this weekend. You might think oh that won't change anything. But the economy runs on constant mass consumption and holidays drive a large percent of that consumption. We all know that part of anti-abortion sentiment is the idea that the USA needs a constant supply of workers and consumers. So let's disrupt the cycle.

I know a lot of us have discussed strikes and walkouts to protest SCOTUS repeal of Roe and I love the idea but I completely understand that most people will not be in a position to walkout of their job. But, there are other effective ways to disrupt the economy.

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