
Male privilege in the workplace is definitely a thing… as a guy, I can see how frustrating that must be.

I'm very neutral and “unwoke” so to say, I literally don't care what goes on with other people, but get mad when people try to interfere with my neutral lifestyle. So the thing about male privilege, I never really bought it until recently. I dropped out of university as well as a college program, wound up working a temp job for a large company making 40k after 6 years working at a hardware store. Now I have pinballed for a couple years, gotten a certification payed by my company… and I just accepted a new job offer of a flat salaried position of $95k, with up to a 10 000 bonus ontop of that, and the work is honestly very easy for me. I just turned 26. Thats with no education besides highschool, just a strong interview… my wife to be, who studied and graduated form athletic therapy and is…

I'm very neutral and “unwoke” so to say, I literally don't care what goes on with other people, but get mad when people try to interfere with my neutral lifestyle.

So the thing about male privilege, I never really bought it until recently.

I dropped out of university as well as a college program, wound up working a temp job for a large company making 40k after 6 years working at a hardware store.

Now I have pinballed for a couple years, gotten a certification payed by my company… and I just accepted a new job offer of a flat salaried position of $95k, with up to a 10 000 bonus ontop of that, and the work is honestly very easy for me. I just turned 26.

Thats with no education besides highschool, just a strong interview… my wife to be, who studied and graduated form athletic therapy and is trying to convince her employer to pay her NINETEEEN DOLLARS per hour…

Am I just lucky? or do we have it so much easier?

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