
Malicious compliance to policy changes

I don’t understand the way companies think and operate sometimes. To preface, I’m a truck driver, make good money(the equivalent of around 85kUS, enjoy my work(I know, wrong place, but I get to listen to podcasts the whole day, don’t have to deal with people and I’m not office bound)and have a simple, low responsibility run. Also, I have over 10 years experience driving on 3 continents, hauling everything from DG(propane and fuel) to earthmoving and farm equipment. I also have an extensive knowledge of the transport law, permits and legal load restraining requirements. I was the go to person when they wanted to k ow anything in regards to the above. We recently(March this year) got a substantial(~20% increase after all drivers stood down and refused to do any work before we had any salary revisions. It put everyone in one of 2 levels, separated by $1ph based on…

I don’t understand the way companies think and operate sometimes. To preface, I’m a truck driver, make good money(the equivalent of around 85kUS, enjoy my work(I know, wrong place, but I get to listen to podcasts the whole day, don’t have to deal with people and I’m not office bound)and have a simple, low responsibility run. Also, I have over 10 years experience driving on 3 continents, hauling everything from DG(propane and fuel) to earthmoving and farm equipment. I also have an extensive knowledge of the transport law, permits and legal load restraining requirements. I was the go to person when they wanted to k ow anything in regards to the above.

We recently(March this year) got a substantial(~20% increase after all drivers stood down and refused to do any work before we had any salary revisions. It put everyone in one of 2 levels, separated by $1ph based on experience. Well, it came to light about 4 weeks ago that they are hiring new drivers(some with virtually no experience)@ $1-2ph more than I am on(higher level, been with the company for almost 4 years now)

I went and asked management about it. First thing they said is I’m not supposed to know, we are not supposed to discuss salaries amongst each other. That cause me to raise an eyebrow. I asked to be put up to the same level, which they refused. Some bullshit about they can’t give me 2 raises in one year, and they have to start new hires on a “market related” rate. So I said fine. That is where the malicious part starts.

I used to come in 30min early so I could leave 30min early. The advantage was I got out the yard first, got in line first at the warehouse I pick up at(my route is pretty simple. Usually 5 loads a day from the same warehouse to the same factory). Now I still came in 30min early, but I do my paperwork first, instead of driving to the warehouse and do my paperwork while I’m being loaded. That causes me to get there when there is already 3-4 trucks ahead of me. Now I sleep on company time for ~ 1 1/2 hours every morning while waiting to be loaded. Also, for my mandatory, required by law breaks, I park up and rest. I no longer use it as loading time.

This has cause me to do only 4, sometimes 3 loads a day, depending on loading delays. Instead of the usual 5. I got asked why, just gave them the “loading delays and long waiting behind other trucks” reply.

My day is so much more relaxed. No more rushing. Time to sleep, read, watch documentaries on my tablet. Hell, I even loaded a set of dumbbells in my truck and I now do my workout in the back while waiting.

So to sum it up, company loses 20-40% productivity over a 3-6% pay increase/difference. Makes total sense doesn’t it? But who am I to complain.

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