
Management rigging “pulse surveys” to enter themselves in valuable raffles and make the big wigs think the average review scores of morale, safety, and management across the factory are high

So at the factory I work at we’ve had these 20 minute “anonymous” surveys pop up every month that assess employees’ morale, perception of safety on the floor, and how we view the effectiveness of our managers. It is filled with questions where you grade 1-5 on how much you agree or disagree with a statement regarding the workplace. These surveys aren’t mandatory, but they always do a raffle as incentive to make people want to do it. The prize is always worth a couple hundred bucks. This round is a $300 Blackstone grill. If you complete a survey though, that isn’t enough to be entered in the raffle. 90% of your department needs to complete it for members of your department to be put in. Forklift drivers, line operators, mechanics, etc. They can be completed through a website on your mobile phone or on paper. Most people don’t know…

So at the factory I work at we’ve had these 20 minute “anonymous” surveys pop up every month that assess employees’ morale, perception of safety on the floor, and how we view the effectiveness of our managers. It is filled with questions where you grade 1-5 on how much you agree or disagree with a statement regarding the workplace. These surveys aren’t mandatory, but they always do a raffle as incentive to make people want to do it. The prize is always worth a couple hundred bucks. This round is a $300 Blackstone grill. If you complete a survey though, that isn’t enough to be entered in the raffle. 90% of your department needs to complete it for members of your department to be put in. Forklift drivers, line operators, mechanics, etc. They can be completed through a website on your mobile phone or on paper. Most people don’t know how to do it on their phone, and, even if you find out how, the website forces you to put your name and work ID on it, which defeats the purpose of it being “anonymous”. So people either don’t do it or they do it on paper and put them in sealed envelopes for management to look at later. There is no dropbox for the paper surveys; you have to walk up and hand it to your supervisor. So I’m sure they look at it right away and take in everything bad you have to say about them. Supervisors also don’t give people who work on the floor (most of the workforce) time set aside to actually do them. You get to the line and sign in right away. They track downtime by the minute. If they see 5 minutes or more of downtime, they will know. So, unsurprisingly, management is ALWAYS the ONLY department that reaches the 90% goal. My guess is once they’re finished reading the paper surveys they throw them away and don’t tally them for the department raffle. So basically managers are giving themselves free expensive shit every month while simultaneously giving the corporate big wigs a warped perception of the average morale, safety, and management efficiency of our branch. That alone says more about our work culture than the survey every could. It really pisses me off and no one seems to care.

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