
management steps down because they make more as a regular worker

Where I work pays dogshit but we have insane benefits because its dangerous everyone including myself has a second job or lives with someone because its not good enough pay. Even after they upped the wage by 50 percent we still don't get alot of people applying. My manager who has been there 10 plus years and I'm assuming made a liveable wage just informed us that he makes less than us and is stepping down because he only makes 28k a year and the lowest grunt makes 32k a year starting. What the fuck really and management doesn't get bonuses profit share. No fucking wonder we can't keep anyone in management hes also requires to come in an hour early and stay an hour later than us. Its fucking 2022 45k is what id consider to be struggling with the current climate and we can't even pay someone 2/3rds…

Where I work pays dogshit but we have insane benefits because its dangerous everyone including myself has a second job or lives with someone because its not good enough pay. Even after they upped the wage by 50 percent we still don't get alot of people applying. My manager who has been there 10 plus years and I'm assuming made a liveable wage just informed us that he makes less than us and is stepping down because he only makes 28k a year and the lowest grunt makes 32k a year starting. What the fuck really and management doesn't get bonuses profit share. No fucking wonder we can't keep anyone in management hes also requires to come in an hour early and stay an hour later than us. Its fucking 2022 45k is what id consider to be struggling with the current climate and we can't even pay someone 2/3rds of it absolutely disgusting.

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