
“Management Trainee Program”?

From what I understand, the job will be in a Costco, and I will have a product stand and I try to convince people who walk to switch to AT&T. But the recruiter markets this as a management trainee program, saying the goal is for us to be leaders of the company. He spent the entire 45 minute zoom interview talking about himself and his accomplishments, and tried to skip over pay and benefits as quickly as possible. He also tried to convince us that commission is the best way to get paid. I look up reviews for the company, and all reviews are from exactly 5 months ago from accounts that have only reviewed 1 thing. This feels like some sort of scam but can someone explain it more to me?

From what I understand, the job will be in a Costco, and I will have a product stand and I try to convince people who walk to switch to AT&T. But the recruiter markets this as a management trainee program, saying the goal is for us to be leaders of the company. He spent the entire 45 minute zoom interview talking about himself and his accomplishments, and tried to skip over pay and benefits as quickly as possible. He also tried to convince us that commission is the best way to get paid. I look up reviews for the company, and all reviews are from exactly 5 months ago from accounts that have only reviewed 1 thing. This feels like some sort of scam but can someone explain it more to me?

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