
Manager asked me if my issue was life or death

I like my job. I really do. And I like this manager. But I just don't understand how another person can ask that if you're feeling ill. It's guilt trippy. And she always says how we never see her taking breaks or calling out. I understand she's trying to say other employees/managers have it worse to try to make me feel better (I think) but it also guilt trips me. It's a retail job, man. I just can't understand the obsession with employees. I'm a hard worker. I don't call out often. I come in even if I'm not feeling good. I make a lot of sales and sign people up for credit cards more often than most people (I work retail). Why is it so detrimental to have me go home early when we have 3 other people in our section. So what one is going home at 6?…

I like my job. I really do. And I like this manager. But I just don't understand how another person can ask that if you're feeling ill. It's guilt trippy. And she always says how we never see her taking breaks or calling out. I understand she's trying to say other employees/managers have it worse to try to make me feel better (I think) but it also guilt trips me. It's a retail job, man. I just can't understand the obsession with employees. I'm a hard worker. I don't call out often. I come in even if I'm not feeling good. I make a lot of sales and sign people up for credit cards more often than most people (I work retail). Why is it so detrimental to have me go home early when we have 3 other people in our section. So what one is going home at 6? There's only 2 hours left at that point for the other two employees. And not sending me home may exacerbate the issue and force me to call out tomorrow!

I don't feel good. Yes I'm technically physically capable of working. But I Do. Not. Feel. Good.

Also, does anyone else feel like they have to exaggerate their symptoms to their managers for then to actually care about it and let you go home/call out?

I don't understand. I get that us employees are a reflection of our managers and our store manager can be a hard ass. But I just don't understand why they don't care more? I would be disappointed and try to get my employee to stay but if they didn't feel good and asked me to go home and did not accept any offers that I made for them to stay, I would let them go home. Because if they don't feel good, they're not gonna do the best work.

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