
Manager asking for 3 month notice

So I have worked at a high stress corporate job for 13 years, with 2 years in my current position. In the company, as long as your last day is December 31, you are eligible for your annual incentive. I have a pretty good relationship with my manager and told her how much of a mental toll this position has taken… and I was planning on quitting the first week of January so I would be eligible for the incentive. She said she would hate to lose me but understood; however, she wants me to officially put in my resignation now for that date so she can go ahead and interview, hire, and train for my position. She said once I put in my official notice I can’t change my mind but is a asking as a “favor” to her. I told her the company only required a two week…

So I have worked at a high stress corporate job for 13 years, with 2 years in my current position. In the company, as long as your last day is December 31, you are eligible for your annual incentive. I have a pretty good relationship with my manager and told her how much of a mental toll this position has taken… and I was planning on quitting the first week of January so I would be eligible for the incentive. She said she would hate to lose me but understood; however, she wants me to officially put in my resignation now for that date so she can go ahead and interview, hire, and train for my position. She said once I put in my official notice I can’t change my mind but is a asking as a “favor” to her. I told her the company only required a two week notice and she agreed but it would be, again, a favor to her. I’m on the fence about this…. There are hiring changes happening in the dept and she also said if I wanted to wait and see if that helped the workload I could, but then said she didn’t want me to just leave anyways in January. So I feel like she is trying to make a power move…. It’s not my fault the dept has been understaffed for 2 years causing me to want to quit. Why do I owe her this “favor”? My hubby said don’t give her more than two weeks and im just too nice. What would y’all do?

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