
Manager being Hostile after Resigning?

Throwaway account just in case. I realize I will get some confirmation bias here, but wanted to get some perspective. Tl;dr Manager has been good and reasonable, but after I submitted my resignation I got remarks of “we took a risk hiring you” (I worked at a different company in the same role for years) and “you want to throw your [present industry] career away?” And was on the spot told to make my announcement at a regular meeting without giving me a heads up at all. Been at this company not too long, but long enough to have gotten a good reputation and such. I got an offer too good to refuse (and outside of my industry) this week and decided to go for it after seeing it’s a cool project and something fresh after a few years of being in my current industry. My manager has been generally…

Throwaway account just in case. I realize I will get some confirmation bias here, but wanted to get some perspective.

Tl;dr Manager has been good and reasonable, but after I submitted my resignation I got remarks of “we took a risk hiring you” (I worked at a different company in the same role for years) and “you want to throw your [present industry] career away?” And was on the spot told to make my announcement at a regular meeting without giving me a heads up at all.

Been at this company not too long, but long enough to have gotten a good reputation and such. I got an offer too good to refuse (and outside of my industry) this week and decided to go for it after seeing it’s a cool project and something fresh after a few years of being in my current industry.

My manager has been generally pretty reasonable (giving time off for being sick, appointments, emergencies, etc.) and approachable when vocalizing being overloaded with tasks.

However…my resignation didn’t seem to go down too well. I was respectful and gave my honest reasons for switching. Cool project and better salary. He asked what the salary is and also suggested I try looking at other internal positions. I respectfully declined knowing the salary won’t come close to what I’ve been offered at the new job, including more vacation, OT, etc.

It started with we like you and want you to stay, and then went into “We took a risk hiring you.”…Was a line I really didn’t like. I came from a direct competitor with several years of experience and I had interned here before. Other remarks mixed in with the praise were “you’re going to throw your [field] career away?”.

The real kicker now was how it was communicated to the team. I was very respectful and gave my manager a heads up before submitting my letter. When other employees in our group quit this year, a brief meeting was setup to make the announcement. For me: during our daily regular team meetings, I was asked on the spot to make the announcement without any heads up whatsoever. It was really awkward and I wasn’t prepared properly.

My co-workers have been really supportive but I feel like the next few weeks are going to be more and more hostile. Not sure if I’m over-reading or if this is improper (new to this), and if it is, what to do about it.

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