
Manager disregarding Company Policy

I thought I would post a story of my old manager that I heard from a co-worker yesterday. I told her she needs to leave the department but she is close to retirement and just trying to ride out the situation. No way would I put up with the manager's antics. Story: Manager is trying to not allow an internal transfer of a worker because the department is short staffed. Company allows for internal transfers and promotions. She is trying to block it and is now jeopardizing the person's new job. Old co-worker (different co-worker from the person that relayed the story) applied for a new position within the company and offered a promotion in title and new job duties. (He also now gets to work a hybrid schedule. Good for him). The only stipulation was that both new and old managers needed to agree on a transfer date. Company…

I thought I would post a story of my old manager that I heard from a co-worker yesterday. I told her she needs to leave the department but she is close to retirement and just trying to ride out the situation. No way would I put up with the manager's antics.

Story: Manager is trying to not allow an internal transfer of a worker because the department is short staffed. Company allows for internal transfers and promotions. She is trying to block it and is now jeopardizing the person's new job. Old co-worker (different co-worker from the person that relayed the story) applied for a new position within the company and offered a promotion in title and new job duties. (He also now gets to work a hybrid schedule. Good for him). The only stipulation was that both new and old managers needed to agree on a transfer date. Company only does internal transfers the 1st and 16th of the month do to payroll. All agreed on July 1. Well co-worker got a call yesterday from old manager asking if they would contact the new manager and ask to not transition until July 10. Co-worker said absolutely not (Old Manager already tried to manipulate new manager in changing transition date and was told no). She is furious and now blaming co-worker for being short staffed.

I left the department 18 months ago and they still have not replaced me or the other 2 people who left. They just divide the work up between the remaining 3 people and are told too bad no one wants to work. Wrong company just doesn't pay enough, other departments have a hybrid schedule and manager is awful.

I told co-worker I would report manager to HR and write a review of her to her own manager of what happened (It is mid-year review time so employees have to give feedback regarding managers)

This person has bullied her direct reports before. They required them to come to the office full time prior to company policy is ineffective at resolving conflicts between co-workers and belittles their employees. She should have never been a manager.

After hearing this story it reminded me of this forum as it just show the incompetence of some managers. I was lucky and have a decent manager now that will listen to my concerns but not all departments have that and it is wrong.

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