
manager doesn’t want to hire people that apply because “they don’t look nice”

pretty much the title. we're extremely understaffed and could very well use about 3 or 4 more people here. the other day, a guy came to apply for part time at my work place, and I happily gave him an application. I took a scan of his ID. he seemed really nice and happy, I would've loved to work with him tbh. now I think we all know ID photos are never our best moments or photos. so when I gave my manager the application and the copy of the ID, she was unsure of whether she should hire him or not, bwcauze in her words “I don't know, he doesn't seem very nice” like hello???? why??? I can't help but think it might be because he's a black man, but I'm not too sure. she also said he doesn't have any experience at all. but from my knowledge, the…

pretty much the title. we're extremely understaffed and could very well use about 3 or 4 more people here. the other day, a guy came to apply for part time at my work place, and I happily gave him an application. I took a scan of his ID. he seemed really nice and happy, I would've loved to work with him tbh. now I think we all know ID photos are never our best moments or photos. so when I gave my manager the application and the copy of the ID, she was unsure of whether she should hire him or not, bwcauze in her words “I don't know, he doesn't seem very nice” like hello???? why??? I can't help but think it might be because he's a black man, but I'm not too sure. she also said he doesn't have any experience at all. but from my knowledge, the people she hires for part time usually don't have a lot of experience with kids. or if they do, it's very minimal. but that might be my perspective. it's just very frustrating because she KNOWS we're understaffed and stressed. she knows that we're all struggling and she's also struggling to find employees but she's had at least 3 people apply and hasn't called a single one back. it's very frustrating.

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