
Manager is a fucking reptilian bastard

Just wanna preface this by saying I'm not upset about losing my job per se, it's just the way the manager handled everything. So I work in a warehouse at a company called pangea distribution that manages shipping materials out like cement, marble, and other shit. I got this job because my dad recommended me and I wasn't really doing much at home plus I had already worked as a temp in another warehouse for the same company. Anyway I get the job they teach me how to operate the forklift yada yada and I learn everything in about 4 days. Fast forward 3-4 weeks later the warehouse manager hires his younger brother, dude is cool and chill so no problem there. Next week bro (the manager) starts tripping and saying we're always late. Dad calls the company owner and talks to him about why his check seems lower than…

Just wanna preface this by saying I'm not upset about losing my job per se, it's just the way the manager handled everything.

So I work in a warehouse at a company called pangea distribution that manages shipping materials out like cement, marble, and other shit. I got this job because my dad recommended me and I wasn't really doing much at home plus I had already worked as a temp in another warehouse for the same company. Anyway I get the job they teach me how to operate the forklift yada yada and I learn everything in about 4 days.

Fast forward 3-4 weeks later the warehouse manager hires his younger brother, dude is cool and chill so no problem there. Next week bro (the manager) starts tripping and saying we're always late. Dad calls the company owner and talks to him about why his check seems lower than usual, Company owner then says we've been coming in late lately and that probably is affecting his pay. So right now we're both confused at this as we get so much overtime that any time we're late it's basically irrelevant, we find out it's the manager who keeps trying to make it seem like we're just insanely late everyday even though we're at most 15 minutes late. There's also the fact that my dad always forgets to clock in so he'll go work for about an hour and realize he didn't clock in making it appear as though he was an hour late, we explained this to him but the manager does not care ofc. They kept springing random truckloads on us after our shift was over and everyone left so we were basically the only two that were out there loading and offloading trucks after hours for like 1-2 hours in that hot ass Texas heat. I didn't have a problem with getting overtime but my dad was pretty annoyed that he was never notified about anything and they kept expecting us to just handle it regardless of how we felt. This continued for a month where even in the rain we'd be getting overtime because someone had to stay and do the trucks but everyone already left meaning we were the ones to do everything. A coworker gets arrested and jailed for a week and comes back but I don't really care about that, the fact is why are you fixated on us being late when we not only make up for it by getting hours upon hours of overtime each week to the point where we had 50 hours of overtime, but completely ignore the fact that one of the coworkers were in jail for a week and you didn't say shit about it. We never missed a goddamn day.
About a month later we're notified that one of the temps has to be let go, and I'm like yeah that's a pretty easy decision his lil bro has only been with us for a month now and I've been here 3 months and already know everything, this dude really has the nerve to suggest me and tries to imply his brother does more work than I do even though I'm always out there in the hot ass sun while the rest are either sleeping somewhere or chilling talking to each other. Then the manager says he wants the rest of the team to vote (pretty fucked up trying to pit us against each other) I didn't expect them to outright vouch for me because it's always hard trying to say who should get fired when you're all well acquainted with each other, but they didn't even try to give me any leeway hahaha. They just straight up said well x (the brother) be over here on this side with me and sometimes be on the other side. Didn't even attempt to acknowledge all the work I've been doing.
Aight bet.

Turns out the manager has been whispering in the company owners ear spreading lies for what reason I have no fucking clue. The fact that even his little brother thinks that he should be firing him instead of me because I've been here longer tells you a lot. I could understand if I was just some dogshit worker that was always late, hardly worked, and didn't listen but that isn't the case. So instead of hearing any more of this blasphemy I'm just gonna go home and go to sleep. Preciate' yall listening to me vent.

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