
Manager is micro-managing and being condescending, making my job harder than it already is

For context: Was transitioned temporarily to a different project that one of my managers (that I wasn't under before) is leading. Project I'm put on has garbage documentation and is terribly organized. 1.5+ months in and I already hate the job that I've been at for more than a year and a half. Told I can't do remote work besides one day a week. Later told I can only do specific days for that one day of remote work. Have to message when I start remote, and send status when I finish it. Constantly messaged at very random times to “talk” about one missed status, or about remote work and deadlines – sometimes at 8-10PM at night when I'm not even on. Was sent multi-paragraph message by HR for missing a status once out of four days. On two/three separate occasions, manager talked down on previous project I worked on…

For context: Was transitioned temporarily to a different project that one of my managers (that I wasn't under before) is leading. Project I'm put on has garbage documentation and is terribly organized.

1.5+ months in and I already hate the job that I've been at for more than a year and a half.

  • Told I can't do remote work besides one day a week. Later told I can only do specific days for that one day of remote work. Have to message when I start remote, and send status when I finish it.
  • Constantly messaged at very random times to “talk” about one missed status, or about remote work and deadlines – sometimes at 8-10PM at night when I'm not even on.
  • Was sent multi-paragraph message by HR for missing a status once out of four days.
  • On two/three separate occasions, manager talked down on previous project I worked on despite it being very successful. Basically said it's not a “real” project. He ranted angrily and defensively to me in a meeting, saying my last project was not a real thing and probably worse (not true at all), after I said project was poorly documented.
  • After having COVID (high fever, vomiting) and being out of work for over a week, was basically told “you worked here for 2 months and barely got anything done” despite project having setup issues, poor documentation, and delay by COVID.
  • Implied I was “playing games” with him in context of doing remote due to health issues (pinched nerve, doctor visits, COVID).
  • In meetings to whole team and to me individually has constantly used the wording “you don't want me to get upset”, “I'm getting upset..”, etc.

I have put in a lot of hard work in my job and have enjoyed it up until this point.

I don't know if he is treating my co-workers the same way and besides just keeping my mouth shut and working (while looking for new job), I don't know what else to do.

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