
Manager lies to customers about price increases & smaller portions. Blames non-existent higher wages he claims to be paying employees.

Due to a friend's birthday, I had to go out to a restaurant the other day. Ridiculously small portions and an obscenely high price compared to just last year at this time. Asked the manager why the massive downsizing of portions and the unapologetic response was because he has to pay servers more. He didn't ask how our food was, he just walked off after spouting his snotty response. When he had left, we motioned for the server to come over and gave her the tip in advance and in cash, which she was ecstatic about. As we did, we asked if what the manager said was true about being paid a higher wage. Her expression changed, almost looking like a Chucky Doll, she was so upset! She said what he told us was a total lie and that she was going to mention his lying to customers to her…

Due to a friend's birthday, I had to go out to a restaurant the other day. Ridiculously small portions and an obscenely high price compared to just last year at this time.

Asked the manager why the massive downsizing of portions and the unapologetic response was because he has to pay servers more. He didn't ask how our food was, he just walked off after spouting his snotty response.

When he had left, we motioned for the server to come over and gave her the tip in advance and in cash, which she was ecstatic about. As we did, we asked if what the manager said was true about being paid a higher wage.

Her expression changed, almost looking like a Chucky Doll, she was so upset! She said what he told us was a total lie and that she was going to mention his lying to customers to her coworkers.

She said they collectively asked for raises but were turned down “due to rising supply costs.”

Each person in attendance in our group has Yelp and Twitter, along with Facebook. Everyone submitted reviews on the price increases and shrinkage, along with the manager's false claims.

In checking Facebook this evening I see where a now ex-server has posted she and several others quit last evening! More customers have posted their disapproval of the smaller portions and higher prices, so we seem to be getting some traction here.

Viva la revolucion!

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