
Manager messing with schedule to make me work long weeks

My team at my job normally consists of four people, including my manager. We lost one person at the beginning of March to a corporate job, and we haven't had anyone to fill the position, so of course the remaining three of us have been working extra to fill the gaps. Even though we are down a person, my manager is still planning to take her spring break vacation at the end of April because it's already booked and it's her last trip before her oldest goes to college and blah blah blah. All I see is that instead of working my normal 5 days on and 2 days off schedule, I'm being asked to work half days to cover the gaps, meaning I will work 12 days in a row while she's gone. Cut to yesterday when she informs me that she is also leaving town this week for…

My team at my job normally consists of four people, including my manager. We lost one person at the beginning of March to a corporate job, and we haven't had anyone to fill the position, so of course the remaining three of us have been working extra to fill the gaps.

Even though we are down a person, my manager is still planning to take her spring break vacation at the end of April because it's already booked and it's her last trip before her oldest goes to college and blah blah blah.

All I see is that instead of working my normal 5 days on and 2 days off schedule, I'm being asked to work half days to cover the gaps, meaning I will work 12 days in a row while she's gone.

Cut to yesterday when she informs me that she is also leaving town this week for a funeral and she wants to change my days off for it, meaning I will have a 7 day work week while she's out of town, 2 days off, then have my 12 day work week while she's gone again.

It hasn't even gotten here yet and I'm already tired. I'm tired of staffing issues becoming my problem. I'm tired of my schedule changing because this is actually the third schedule change I've had in six months after over a year of it staying the same. I'm tired of this job interfering with the only thing that brings me joy lately, which is instructing a group workout class and trying to build a career there instead of staying at my current job for a measly $16.50/hr even though I've been here over three years, this job requires a degree, and I came in with over five years of experience.

We do get raises, but they are not keeping up with the insane inflation rates the country is facing and I just don't see the pay as worth all the BS they are making their employees put up with.

I'm just f***ing tired

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