
Manager refused to give us a lunch break

It’s my bosses husband so he can do whatever he wants. He literally walked over a mile yesterday middle of our lunch rush to get fucking cigarettes. I’m hungry and we are really slow so I ask to take my lunch break. He said “not right wait till later”. Well later never fucking came, all the cooks in the kitchen are starving. I text my mom and tell her the situation, she said she was actually right up the road and would bring us all food. My mom came in such clutch. All the cooks are randomly eating chick fil a and my boss comes around the corner yelling “um did y’all pay for that??” I showed her the chick fil a bag and said “yeah because I didn’t get a fucking lunch break”. Never seen my boss so butthurt, she was literally pissed. I offered her a sandwhich but…

It’s my bosses husband so he can do whatever he wants. He literally walked over a mile yesterday middle of our lunch rush to get fucking cigarettes.

I’m hungry and we are really slow so I ask to take my lunch break. He said “not right wait till later”.

Well later never fucking came, all the cooks in the kitchen are starving. I text my mom and tell her the situation, she said she was actually right up the road and would bring us all food.

My mom came in such clutch. All the cooks are randomly eating chick fil a and my boss comes around the corner yelling “um did y’all pay for that??” I showed her the chick fil a bag and said “yeah because I didn’t get a fucking lunch break”.

Never seen my boss so butthurt, she was literally pissed. I offered her a sandwhich but she was all butthurt and wouldn’t take it so I gave the sandwhich to a new girl who wanted. Immediately my boss comes asking me where the extra sandwich went saying she wants it.

Fuck you, I can’t even get an actual lunch break and you expect me to feed you my food?

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