
Manager said if he was a customer and got the grapes Id made he’d have punched me in the face

This was 2ish years ago and I quit shortly after this but I figured you guys would like the story. I was working at Dennys as a waitress during this. I was freakishly exhausted as my shift was ending (supposedly) and Id just worked 16 hours to cover for someone. It was about to be Sunday morning and Id been slammed all night while being alone. The restaurant was a disaster zone, messy floor, the fruit and salad prep area wasn't ready, I had messy tables, etc. I finally had help come in and I decided despite working 16 hours already Id stay an extra hour to clean up and get stuff done so next shift didn't need to work with the nightmare mess Id left. I cleaned the tables, did dishes, cleaned up, hurriedly cut the fruit, etc. I then went to my manager who needed to dismiss me…

This was 2ish years ago and I quit shortly after this but I figured you guys would like the story.

I was working at Dennys as a waitress during this. I was freakishly exhausted as my shift was ending (supposedly) and Id just worked 16 hours to cover for someone. It was about to be Sunday morning and Id been slammed all night while being alone. The restaurant was a disaster zone, messy floor, the fruit and salad prep area wasn't ready, I had messy tables, etc. I finally had help come in and I decided despite working 16 hours already Id stay an extra hour to clean up and get stuff done so next shift didn't need to work with the nightmare mess Id left.

I cleaned the tables, did dishes, cleaned up, hurriedly cut the fruit, etc. I then went to my manager who needed to dismiss me after checking my work. He went over his normal checklist till he got to the grapes.

So for the fruit bar grapes, the way it worked was we got a normal bag of grapes, we washed them and then we had to pull them off the stems and put them into a bucket we can scoop them out of as needed and once gone we had 4 or 5 backup buckets for throughout the day. Id been stupid exhausted and already was running on fumes. At this point I worked 17 hours. My manager gave the grapes one look and plucked a grape from the bin and asked me what was wrong with it. It had a small peice of the stem on it. I told him so and appoligized but said I needed to go home. He then looked me in the eye and told me if he was a customer and Id served grapes with small peices of stem on them still and he choked he would punch me in the face. He then demanded I fix all 5 buckets of grapes and he told me on top I needed to fold silverware as I didn't make enough for Sunday breakfast.

I got out of work 19 hours later and quit 4 days later after a mental breakdown.

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