
Manager says I may lose my job if I don’t have a concrete plan to get my own vehicle soon.

this is my first post in this reddit and I apologize if it doesn’t belong here but I need some help. I live in Nevada and I work for a juvenile assessment center. I’m currently on my third week here. When I applied the only requirements were that I have at least a high school diploma, I pass background checks, I have experience working with children, and that I hold cpr and first aid certification. There was a question on the application that asked my willingness to travel throughout the city if needed, it doesn’t specify for what but i assume to travel to other locations for coverage as needed. I of course checked yes that I can do that. I do not have my own car and I do not have my license yet but my partner is available always to take me where i need to go and…

this is my first post in this reddit and I apologize if it doesn’t belong here but I need some help. I live in Nevada and I work for a juvenile assessment center. I’m currently on my third week here. When I applied the only requirements were that I have at least a high school diploma, I pass background checks, I have experience working with children, and that I hold cpr and first aid certification. There was a question on the application that asked my willingness to travel throughout the city if needed, it doesn’t specify for what but i assume to travel to other locations for coverage as needed. I of course checked yes that I can do that. I do not have my own car and I do not have my license yet but my partner is available always to take me where i need to go and if not i am bus savvy. In the interview, i was asked If i have reliable transportation to which I replied yes, my partner takes me to work, and he also picks me up. If he is indisposed, I take one bus that takes me straight from my house right to where I work. Again it’s been three weeks and there has not been a problem. I was scheduled to work at a different location next week which is no issue i have already made arrangements to get there. However, Monday I was asked to go to a different location midshift and I wasn’t able to go, If i had known ahead of time I could have made arrangements but I can’t pick up and go midshift since I don’t have my own transportation. I was informed today that i may be terminated for not having my own transportation even though that was not a requirement. He never even talked about having to go to other locations if needed in the interview. Boss says If i don’t have a plan to get a car by wednesday then I may be let go. I guess my question is, Is this legal? Do I have any right to fight this? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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