Basically what the title reads but just looking to get some legal clarity on this. The company I work for is a small chain but our clinic is privately owned. The owner has always tried to separate herself from the rest of the company and we are looked at as the black sheep of the company. But we all share the same HR and she had always been someone I can reach out to for issues with anything.
This morning my manager gets a call from our owner, who only works 2 days week but thinks she works more than anyone else. After the call he comes over immediately to me and the only other coworker in at the time. He then says “going forward no one is to contact HR directly, you need to go through me or the owner first.” I'm just confused because isn't the point of HR to be the median between you and the employer? Is this even legal? Is my boss just trying to stop us from making her look bad? I don't know how to read this other than something negative and controlling. Just adding another check to my list of reasons I want to leave. Also just wanted to add that I didn't contact HR recently so I don't know exactly what was said to them or the reason my owner has.